List Entry
Grade: II
Date first listed: 18-Jun-1971
- 5344 NORTH STREET (East Side) No 32 (The Masonic Temple and North Street Hall) TR 0142 NW 1/81 18.6.71. II GV
- Early C19. 2 storeys brown brick. Hipped slate roof. Brick parapet with stone coping. Stone stringcourse. Glazing bars intact on the 1st floor only. Ground floor windows boarded up. Porch with 1 Ionic column only, and Ionic pilasters behind, open pediment, reeded band panelled reveals, semi-circular fanlight and 6 panelled door. Plinth. The left side elevation has a later 4 light canted bay to 1st floor.
Nos 14 to 32 (even) form a group.
Listing NGR: TR0108542958