Knott’s Cottages

The three cottages stand behind Nos. 16 and 18 North Street in a courtyard. All are timber-framed and have peg—tile roofs.

External Features:

From the courtyard each has brick walls at ground level, with white-painted weather-boarding above. Attics are lighted by gabled dormer windows. At the rear each cottage has back extensions with no attics, but half-hipped roofs to each.


Knott’s Cottages

The exposed timbers are crudely hewn with no mouldings to the ceiling beams, which show that although built by the same owner, they were tenanted probably by his employees. The name ‘Knott’ is obscure.

The rear of the ‘Cottage Restaurant’ (No. 20 North Street) is similar in construction to the cottages and is contemporary with Knott’s Cottages.

Briscall W., 1987, Discovering Ashford’s Old Buildings, Ashford, LRB Historical Publications

List Entry


List entry Number: 1071036 ➚

Grade: II

Date first listed: 04-Jun-1976

  1. 1. 5344 NORTH STREET (East Side) Knott’s Square [Nos 1 to 3 (consec)] TR 0142 NW 1/82II GV
  2. 2. This is approached through Nos 16 and 18 North Street. Probably a C17 timber-framed building extensively restored. 2 storeys and attics. Ground floor red brick. 1st floor now weatherboarded. Old hipped tiled roof with 3 hipped dormers. 3 restored casement windows. Now plain doorcases with hoods missing.

Nos 1 to 3 (consec) Knott’s Square form a group.

Listing NGR: TR0107342895