96 – 104 High Street

98 – 104 High Street
Fig. 1 Plan of 96-106 High Street based on 1871 Ordnance Survey map details

The plan below (Fig. 1) shows the block of buildings from the Park Mall as far as the National and Provincial Building Society’s offices (No. 106). The parts of the buildings which are the oldest are shaded with a dark pattern. The exteriors seem to indicate that the four shops, 96 to 104, were in one owner- ship at some time. As numbered today, 96 and 98 are definitely one building structurally, and have modillions in identical style, but those at 100 and 102 have just plain dentils. It thus looks as if one owner was responsible for the ‘modernisation’ of the medieval structures, probably in the 18th or early 19th centuries.

The lighter shading on the plan indicates the extensions to the original buildings. All have taken over the garden areas. The splendid detailed 1871 Ordnance Survey maps show the gardens with paths and trees. The plan below is based upon the map.

Briscall W., 1987, Discovering Ashford’s Old Buildings, Ashford, LRB Historical Publications

Refer to the following pages for details of individual buildings:

Comprises only an extract of the list entry for the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990